LIBGL: Initialising gl4es LIBGL: v1.1.5 built on Apr 15 2021 17:00:11 LIBGL: Using GLES 2.0 backend LIBGL: Using Warp3DNova.library v54 revision 16 LIBGL: Using OGLES2.library v3 revision 4 LIBGL: OGLES2 Library and Interface open successfuly LIBGL: Targeting OpenGL 2.1 LIBGL: NPOT texture handled in hardware LIBGL: Not trying to batch small subsequent glDrawXXXX LIBGL: try to use VBO LIBGL: Force texture for Attachment color0 on FBO LIBGL: Hack to trigger a SwapBuffers when a Full Framebuffer Blit on default FBO is done LIBGL: Current folder is:Tools:Games/Debug/SuperTuxKart Irrlicht Engine version 1.8.0 SDL Version 1.2.15 [info ] FileManager: Creating directory 'PROGDIR:.supertuxkart'. [info ] FileManager: Creating directory 'PROGDIR:.supertuxkart/addons'. [info ] FileManager: Creating directory 'PROGDIR:.supertuxkart/addons/icons'. [info ] FileManager: Creating directory 'PROGDIR:.supertuxkart/addons/tmp'. [info ] FileManager: Creating directory 'PROGDIR:.supertuxkart/screenshots'. [info ] FileManager: Data files will be fetched from: '' [info ] FileManager: User directory is 'PROGDIR:.supertuxkart/'. [info ] FileManager: Addons files will be stored in 'PROGDIR:.supertuxkart/addons/'. [info ] FileManager: Screenshots will be stored in 'PROGDIR:.supertuxkart/screenshots/'. Could not read user config file file PROGDIR:.supertuxkart/config.xml LIBGL: Hardware test on current Context... LIBGL: Hardware Full NPOT detected and used LIBGL: Extension GL_EXT_blend_minmax detected and used LIBGL: FBO are in core, and so used LIBGL: PointSprite are in core, and so used LIBGL: CubeMap are in core, and so used LIBGL: BlendColor is in core, and so used LIBGL: Blend Substract is in core, and so used LIBGL: Blend Function and Equation Separation is in core, and so used LIBGL: Texture Mirrored Repeat is in core, and so used LIBGL: Extension GL_OES_mapbuffer detected LIBGL: Extension GL_OES_element_index_uint detected and used LIBGL: Extension GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil detected and used LIBGL: Extension GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 detected and used LIBGL: Extension GL_EXT_texture_rg detected and used LIBGL: Extension GL_OES_texture_float detected and used LIBGL: high precision float in fragment shader available and used LIBGL: Extension GL_EXT_frag_depth detected and used LIBGL: Max vertex attrib: 16 LIBGL: Max texture size: 16384 LIBGL: Max Varying Vector: 32 LIBGL: Texture Units: 8/8 (hardware: 32), Max lights: 8, Max planes: 6 LIBGL: Extension GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic detected and used LIBGL: Max Anisotropic filtering: 16 LIBGL: Max Color Attachments: 1 / Draw buffers: 1 LIBGL: Hardware vendor is A-EON Technology Ltd. Written by Daniel 'Daytona675x' Müßener @ LIBGL: GLSL 300 es supported LIBGL: GLSL 310 es supported and used [info ] irr_driver: GLSL supported. [error ] Highscore Manager: New highscore file 'PROGDIR:.supertuxkart/highscore.xml' created. [debug ] main: Error messages and other text output will be logged to PROGDIR:.supertuxkart/stdout.log. [info ] unlock_manager: Challenge file 'PROGDIR:.supertuxkart/challenges.xml' will be created. [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [info ] NetworkHttp: Downloading updated addons.xml [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [info ] irr_driver: GLSL supported. [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116 music state is now 0 [warn ] physics: Kart at (-15.523336 0.051464 -1.577135) can not be dropped. [error ] World: No valid starting position for kart 0 on track olivermath. LIBGL: Shuting down