A1222 Guide: Online Resources

Community, Help, and Software Links

You've probably reached the end of this guide and hopefully found more answers than you had questions, but should you need more information on your A1222, where to download software, where to buy hardware, or where you can ask questions, here is a handy list of Amiga-related web-sites that I've got bookmarked in my Amiga browsers. If anything doesn't work, please let me know (link).

One other item you'll need to do is set up your online accounts with both Hyperion and A-EON. These days most software updates can be found and downloaded with tools on your A1222, specifically AmiUpdate; for software from A-EON, you have to use their own Updater software. Your A1222 should have come with a serial number for AmigaOS. One of the first things you need to do is register your copy at the Hyperion web site. Once you do, and you have a user name and password, write them down. You'll need them to logon at Hyperion for downloadable OS updates and for AmiUpdate to grab updated components directly from your A1222 itself. You'll also need to sign up for an AmiSphere account if you want the A-EON updates for firmware and any components that are provided in their Enhancer product, such as the graphics drivers.

Site Type Description Link
Community Sites
amiga.org Forum The oldest online Amiga forum, amiga.org is mostly 68K these days
amigans.net Forum By far the most useful forum for NG Amiga users
AmigaWorld Forum Once the main AOS4 enthusiast site, today mostly trolls
os4welt.de Forum If you're fluent in German, a terrific site for AOS4 users
OS4 Coding Forum Active forum for AOS4 software developers
AOS4 Commercial SW Software Complete list of native commercial software and games for AOS4
AmiNet Software Good source for older, 68K software; some AOS4 packages
OS4Depot Software Where you'll probably find the AOS4 software you want; go here!
Official Sites
A-EON Technology, Ltd. A-EON Manufacturer of the A1222 and other NG Amigas, software
Hyperion Entertainment Hyperion The official website for AOS4 vendor Hyperion Entertainment
AmigaOS Home Hyperion The official marketing site for AmigaOS 4 Final Edition
AmigaOS Support Support The official support forum for AmigaOS users
AmiUpdate Home Support Information on AmiUpdate, the built-in update tool
AmigaOS Wiki Support Detailed developer and user AmigaOS documentation
wiki.amiga.org Support Information on A-EON software and hardware products
AmiSphere Support Online account portal for A-EON products, including Updater
News and Magazines
Amiga Future Magazine The premier printed Amiga magazine; also a good news site
Obligement Magazine French-language online Amiga magazine including NG coverage
Passione Amiga Magazine Italian-language printed Amiga magazine including NG coverage
WhatIFF? Magazine AmigaGuide-based magazine; coverage of both NG and 68K Amigas
amiga-news.de News Daily news stories and updates from around the Amiga scene
AmigaBlogs News Useful aggregator of popular Amiga blogs
AmigaONE Zone News Polish site with in-depth articles and news coverage for AOS4 users
AOS4 Monthly Roundup News Software, hardware, and community news updated monthly
AmigaSource News Loads of Amiga-related links, updated weekly
ktadd's NG Amiga Blog News Personal blog of A1222+ owner Kevin Taddeucci
Epsilon's World News Personal blog of Australian A1222+ owner Epsilon
A1222 YouTube Playlist Video Playlist of Youtube videos of the A1222 in action
Dealers and Online Stores
RELEC Dealer (CH) Offers customized AmigaOne X5000 and SAM460-based systems
Alinea Computing Dealer (DE) Sells own software and third-party Amiga software, hardware, and systems
AMIGAstore.eu Dealer (ES) Fantastic dealer of 68K and NG HW and SW with physical store in Lorca, Spain
Amedia Computer Dealer (FR) NG Amiga software, hardware, and systems; physical location in Metz, France
ACube Systems Dealer (IT) Italian developer of SAM and AmigaOne systems; also offers related HW
AAA Technology Dealer (LU) Joint venture of A-EON / Amedia / AmigaKit; main A1222 distributor for Europe
GGS-Data Dealer (SE) General computer dealer with NG motherboards and Amiga software
AmigaKit Dealer (UK) Grand dame of Amiga dealers; offers own manufactured products
Amiga on the Lake Dealer (US) Mostly 68K hardware and some NG software and components

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Last updated: 08.17.24